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SmartCodes and
Watermarked Images

Bring any printed media to life with interactive opportunities


SmartCodes are the next generation of QR: ultra-secure, fully customisable and super-charged with the full power of the Rezolve Experience Platform.

When a customer scans a SmartCode with their phone, they will be redirected for an Instant Checkout. One more tap and they can buy/engage.

And this even works for new customers that don’t have your app or Rezolve technology on their phone: When these customers scan your SmartCode, they can do so with their mobile camera and instantly engage.

Rezolve Watermarks protect brands

Rezolve’s new technology embeds invisible patterns into any image that can only be seen and read by mobile devices. Secure and protect your brand from counterfeit products, fraud and brand contamination.

Scannable images bring an element of surprise, fun and a new level of engagement to printed marketing.  Your customers will love discovering deeper content in and will encourage more interaction with all of your brand.

Picture your data

Count every scan, click through, sign up or sale with Rezolve’s Analytic tools. Collect new valuable insights on shopping behaviour via this traditional, analogue media.

Pictures now speak volumes about the effectiveness of your print campaigns.


Scan to inform or entertain

A quick, simple scan can open up a limitless world of information. Use scanning to tell customers more about the provenance of the product, or important nutritional details you don’t have room for on packaging or labelling.

Take them to websites or other digital media and connect to other branded material. An image can be just the start of an endless brand story.