Integrating Rezolve
Add the power of Rezolve into your app and backend systems with our easy integration tool

Rezolve SDK
Integrate the Rezolve SDK and amaze your current app users with stunning new experiences and workflows.
Rezolve provides native SDKs for iOS and Android apps. We also provide all the documentation you need to understand all the components of the SDK and how they makes use of the phone’s native location, notification, microphone and camera functionality.
Upgrade your app to detect Rezolve triggers, offer Instant Buy and enable your customers to join the dots between the physical and the digital world.
Rezolve APIs
Rezolve makes it simple to synchronised inventory and orders with the most common ecommerce platforms.
In addition, Rezolve provides a whole set of APIs and documentation for building custom integrations with external applications.

The Rezolve System

SDK (Software Development Kit)
Sits within the app on the consumer’s phone, and enables the app to authenticate and communicate with Rezolve’s ‘Core’ backend services.
Rezolve Experience Platform
The dashboard for managing all the triggers and targets that make up Rezolve engagements.
Merchant Portal
The dashboard for configuring products and setting up Rezolve’s commerce features.
Engagements Server
Holds all the engagement details and trigger details. Whenever the SDK detects a trigger, it talks to the ‘Engagement Server’ to see where to redirect the customer.
RCE (Rezolve Cloud Engine)
Powers all Rezolve’s mobile commerce functionality.
Merchant APIs
Enables eCommerce systems and the Rezolve Merchant App to synchronise seamlessly with the RCE.
Rezolve Merchant App
An app provided by Rezolve for merchants to find and process orders quickly and easily.
Core Services
The glue which binds the Rezolve system together and manages all the communication.
Rezolve Wallet
Stores and encrypts customer payment data securely, and manages communication with payment gateways.